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New series alert!!! Gifts of The Spirit starts at 10:30 tomorrow @fcgastonia! Also...@lady.loop is just killing these graphics lately!! #FCG #FreedomChurchGastonia #HomeLocalGlobal #GetYourHopesUp #GiftsofTheSpirit
Oh man I can’t say enough about best friend, my love, my partner, her children rise up and call her blessed, virtuous, capable, and trustworthy. I didn’t just find a “good thing” when we found each other, I found the BEST thing and boy have we had some fun over the years!!! I love you so much Lisa. Happy Birthday.
Song and Story Day!! Song and Story!! Song and Story day!! Come celebrate Father’s Day @fcgastonia with Songs and Stories tomorrow!! Starts at 10:30. #FCG #FreedomChurchGastonia #HomeLocalGlobal #GetYourHopesUp #BelieversAuthority #SongsAndStories
Hanging with my most patriotic friend today! @ashleyterradez may love fish and chips but he loves America even more…